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Running the installation for IBM Installation Manager – Security and Users

6.3 Running the installation for IBM Installation Manager
The xauth info command is run to show the current x-windows authority file settings:
[root@localhost Installs]# xauth info
Authority file: /root/.Xauthority
File new: no
File locked: no
Number of entries: 1
Changes honored: yes
Changes made: no
Current input: (argv):1
[root@localhost Installs]#
The idsldap user is modified to add the wheel group, to give it the required root security access:
usermod -aG wheel idsldap
Note: Logout and then log back into the GUI Id to list groups.
The current environment groups and available groups are listed using the command:
yum group list
Install Gnome GUI using the Linux yum command and systemctl commands:
yum groupinstall “Server with GUI”
systemctl set-default graphical
The command as follows failed at first:
[root@localhost Installs]# xhost +
No protocol specified
xhost: unable to open display “:0.0”
Make sure the X11 window server is running, and use the following command to note the port number:
ps -ef | egrep X11
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 export DISPLAY
xhost +SI:localuser:root
And add:
idsldap ALL=(ALL) ALL
After the line:
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
In the sudoers file, /etc/sudoers using the visudo editor. So this user can do all administrative jobs (the same as root) by simply prefixing sudo and entering his own password (or use idsldap ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL if you do not want to enter passwd.
The best solution was found as follows;
The following is required on RHEL 8.0 to launch the IBM Installation Manager GUI correctly:

  1. Select Not listed? at the main Gnome Desktop list of users.
  2. Log in as root.
  3. Enter the root Password and click Sign In.
  4. Select the Terminal icon from the Desktop Activities.
    Enter the commands:
    cd /opt/IBM/Installs/
    We can now follow the screenshots and procedures described in the document reference, using the ResearchGate DOI:
    (IBM Security Directory Services 6.4- Installation on RHEL 8.0)
    Starting from page 49 through to page 52.

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