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Preparing a new Object Store for IBM Cloud Private P8 Container CPIT – Cloud Based Systems

8.3 Preparing a new Object Store for IBM Cloud Private P8 Container CPIT
For this section, the ResearchGate DOI links, – IBM Cloud Private P8 Container CPIT Installation on RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.0 and – IBM Case Manager Preparation of a new Target Object Store in a FileNet P8 Docker Container on CENTOS 8 can be used to provide a complete step-by-step procedure with full screenshots.
8.3.1 Requirements and prerequisites
Before you deploy and run IBM Case Manager 5.3.3 in a FileNet Content Engine Container Environment, the following prerequisites are needed:
• A Docker runtime environment (a Linux host or virtual machine with Docker installed)
• IBM FileNet P8 Content Platform Engine (CPE) container, deployed and configured
• Supported LDAP provider (Microsoft Active Directory or IBM Security Directory Server)
• Supported database provider (currently only the CPIT IBM DB2 container)
The full list of requirement installations above are in the document:
CENTOS 8-0 Installation For IBM Cloud Private and IBM FileNet P8 CPIT Installation V2
This document describes the step-by-step installation of IBM Cloud Private including the set-up of the supporting CENTOS 8.0 Linux Operating system and Docker system. Also, the download and installation of the P8 Containers for IBM FileNet P8 Content Platform and the IBM Content Navigator Installed using CPIT.
(Note that we are running the scripts on the RHEL 8.5 Linux system, ecmukdemo10, which is 100% compatible.) Preparing for container installation
Check the scripts already created in the db2 container for CPIT installation:
export containerID=

docker ps -a -q –filter name=$DB2_CONTAINER_NAME$

docker cp $containerID:/database/config/db2inst1 /tmp/db2inst1
cd /tmp/db2inst1/
The following commands export the db2inst1 database user’s configuration subfolder of the db2 container to a /tmp subfolder to allow the scripts to be edited for our second Object store as shown in Figure 8.39:

Figure 8.39: The scripts used for the IBM FileNet CPIT database creation are extracted to /tmp

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