Master and Boot Node Requirements
The Master and Boot node hardware specifications are shown in Figure 8.2:
Figure 8.2: The requirements for a single node cluster
Note: Create Worker and Proxy Node systems as above but without DNS but with docker installed.
The procedure was repeated from the document, available for free download, using the link: https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.27358.18246 on pages 1 through 64 for the Worker and Proxy nodes as for the Master but no DNS install.
For the Worker Node servers, each server requires 8 GBytes of Memory, 2 processors and 150 GByte Disks. Using docker pull on the Master Boot Node
The following command was used to retrieve the IBM Cloud Private Container:
docker pull ibmcom/icp-inception
docker pull ibmcom/icp-inception:3.2.1
Note: This was subsequently upgraded using the following command.
As shown in Figure 8.3:
Figure 8.3: The docker pull command is used to pull the IBM Cloud Private base system
Change the config.yaml file;
From the following as shown in Figure 8.4:
Figure 8.4: The config.yaml file is updated from the reference above
To the following, as shown in Figure 8.5:
Figure 8.5: The config.yaml file is updated to the reference above (set to none)
Also on the Master Node, as shown in Figure 8.6:
Figure 8.6: The /etc/hosts file is set with the ip addresses of each server in the cluster
Added the ecmukdemo11.asbsoftware.co.uk and the ecmukdemo12.asbsoftware.co.uk to the /etc/hosts file in each server.
IBM Cloud Private workload services.
Note: The Load balancer is set to none.