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Installing Eclipse Codewind and Docker Compose with IBM Cloud Private CE – Cloud Based Systems

8.2 Installing Eclipse Codewind and Docker Compose with IBM Cloud Private CE
For this section, the reference to the third book in this series, from the BPB Publications, IBM DB2 Administration Guide -ISBN 978-93-55511-669, Chapter 4: IBM DB2 Installation Platforms, Sections 4.4.3, Installing IBM Private Cloud – Download access, down to Section 4.4.9, Applying the port 22 open below to all nodes, covers the installation of the IBM Private Cloud. The free to download word document, InstallationofEclipseCodewindandDockerComposeonRHEL8LinuxV1.docx can be downloaded using the URL, which has the full step-by-step screenshots for the originally available installation of Codewind.
See the links given ahead. The latest version of the ResearchGate Document, InstallationofEclipseCodewindandDockerComposeonRHEL8LinuxV2.docx can be downloaded using the URL: This covers the use of the archived version of Codewind from the Eclipse website:
As of November, 2022 this is an archived project. The procedure in this new ResearchGate document describes how to install and use codewind from the tar zipped archive file.
See the link as follows for the details of downloading and using docker compose:
Download and install the latest Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from the following link:
Or use an existing installation.
Install Eclipse IDE Version 2019-09 R (4.13.0) or later to avoid the Bug 541220 (
The resulting installation of the container images can be built by using the Eclipse template project for the Appsody Python Flask project template build, or as shown in Figure 8.36, using the Appsody Spring Boot template for a new Java project build:

Figure 8.36: The Appsody Spring Boot default template for the Java language is selected
The loaded project is shown with the pre-built java code modules as shown in Figure 8.37 which gives the full structure used to build a working web application container:

Figure 8.37: The Appsody Spring Boot default template for the Java language with the Java code files
If the ASBCodeWindTest2 container, shown with status [Running], is double clicked the web application is opened as shown in Figure 8.38:

Figure 8.38: The Appsody Spring Boot template Web Application is shown with the Spring Boot links

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