Important post installation upgrade
After the installs are complete run:
cd /opt/IBM
chown wasadm:root WebSphere -R
chmod 775 WebSphere -R
Otherwise, the profiles will be unable to restart.
7.1.4 Adding an unmanaged node
Next follow the procedures on pages 517 through 521 of the ResearchGate download, with the link, https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.27345.89440 – IBM BAW 18.0 Installation phase1 preprint with install of IBM Workflow Center, to add an unmanaged Node.
7.1.5 Installing a stand-alone installation in IBM BPM 8.x
Next, we follow the procedures on pages 521 through 535 of the ResearchGate download, with the link, https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.27345.89440 – IBM BAW 18.0 Installation phase1 preprint with install of IBM Workflow Center, to Install the IBM Business Process Manager web application version 8.6.
7.1.6 Creating the PFS Process Federation Server on Liberty
Next, we follow the procedures on pages 536 through 544 of the ResearchGate download, with the link, https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.27345.89440 – IBM BAW 18.0 Installation phase1 preprint with install of IBM Workflow Center, to Create the PFS Process Federation Server and the four databases it uses.
7.1.7 IBM Business Process Management V8.5.7
Next, we follow the procedures on pages 545 through 565 of the ResearchGate download, with the link, https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.27345.89440 – IBM BAW 18.0 Installation phase1 preprint with install of IBM Workflow Center, to update the standalone Liberty Web Server with IBM Business Process Management components, V 8.5.7.
7.1.8 Advanced Linux custom using the command line with DB2 Express
Further, we follow the procedures on pages 566 through 590 of the ResearchGate download, with the link, https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.27345.89440 – IBM BAW 18.0 Installation phase1 preprint with install of IBM Workflow Center, to configure and run the BPMConfig.sh script file. Settings using the advanced BPMConfig installation
The procedures starting from page 566 through to page 590 of the ResearchGate download, with the link, https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.27345.89440 – IBM BAW 18.0 Installation phase1 preprint with install of IBM Workflow Center, which describes the editing of the BPMConfig.properties file and the running of the BPMConfig.sh shell script.
In this chapter, we covered the Bill of Materials and the upgrade installation of IBM BAW 21.0.3 (Business Automation Workflow).
It will upgrade to version 21.0.3 from 18.0.0.x, 19.0.0.x, 20.0.0.x, or version 21.0.1. We also covered the supporting software required for the related IBM Information Management Products to be installed, with the download site URLs, Product Codes, Descriptions and size and name of the download gzip tar files for each Software Download.
In the next chapter, we cover the IBM Cloud based systems; IBM Cloud Private and the IBM FileNet P8 CPIT Installation; Installation of Eclipse Codewind, with Docker Compose using IBM Cloud Private CE and IBM Cloud Private P8 Docker Container CPIT Installation for the preparation of a new Object Store.
Points to remember
• Remember to back up the whole system before upgrading.
• Remember, this upgrade to version 21.0.3 only works successfully from Db2 Version (unless the option to defer schema creation is set).
• Ignore the Check for Other Versions, Fixes and Extensions button on IBM Installation Manager for the upgrade.
• The supporting IBM Software Packages are only included to support the Licensee’s use of the Principal IBM Upgrade Program under the Agreement.
• The End Of Support for Java 1.7, means the upgrade to Java 1.8 is required.
• DB2 11.1 is the earliest fully supported database version.
IBM announced Continuing Support for Db2 versions 8.2, 9.1 and 9.5 will be discontinued on September 30, 2022. See https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/db2-continuing-support