Adding the LDAP groups
Next, we add the P8Admins group and three administration users that we created earlier to the group (P8Admin, Alan and sue). Select groupOfNames from the Object class list as shown in Figure 9.86:
Figure 9.86: The groupOfNames object class is used to define the LDAP P8Admins group
In the next screen, Figure 9.87, we show the entry of example user members under the cn=localhost LDAP container, for the cn=P8Admins group:
Figure 9.87: The Select auxiliary object classes page is skipped by clicking on the Next> command button
Click on the member Multiple values button as shown in Figure 9.88:
Figure 9.88: Add the P8Admins group
Add the users, sue, Alan and P8Admin, as members of the P8Admins group as shown in Figure 9.89:
Figure 9.89: The users, sue, Alan and P8Admin, are added as members of the P8Admins group
The Required attributes of the P8Admins group are entered as shown in Figure 9.90:
Figure 9.90: The Required attributes of the P8Admins group are entered
Note: It is important to add the cn=localhost entry as a member of the cn=P8Admins group. This is required later, for the IBM FileNet P8 acce web application, when a workflow subs-system is required to be created, since the acce application uses the group member search to access the P8Admins group to validate that the P8Admin user is a member of this group.
Otherwise, without the cn=localhost entry, logged in as P8Admin, you get [FNRPE2130200367E]. You must be a member of PE Administrator group to perform the requested function.
Click the Finish button to add the P8Admins group plus user members as shown in Figure 9.91
Figure 9.91: The Finish command button is clicked to add the P8Admins group
Click Yes and add the GeneralUsers group as shown in Figure 9.92:
Figure 9.92: The Yes command is used to start the addition of another Group, GeneralUsers
Add users sue, ana, mark and joe to the GeneralUsers group, using the same procedure as for the P8Admins group (that is, using the groupOfNames object class for the GeneralUsers group and then adding the users as members of the group).
Click Finish and list the users in the cn=localhost Domain as shown in Figure 9.93:
Figure 9.93: The list of users and groups added to the cn=localhost domain